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Really nice 2 D game.


I just tried out the demo with WINE. I'll definitely be picking it up. Though, I am curious if it will be getting a Linux port? It runs well enough under WINE, but nothing beats a native Linux port.

It's in our plans! We would love to hear your experience with the game using WINE though, it might be a good alternative in the mean time.
Thank you for playing!


It plays great. I'm using WINE stable 3.0.3 on Debian Stretch (xfce with Xorg). I just manage WINE myself, I don't use any frontends for it like Lutris or PlayOnLinux. It didn't need any extra configuring to get it playing, so a basic clean prefix should work fine. It worked fine on my laptop's mesa setup and my desktop's Nvidia GPU. Typically, Unity games work well under WINE, so no real surprise on my end.

The player character movement looks slightly off, but it's only really noticeable if you deliberately look at it. Good gamepad support hasn't made its way into the stable build of WINE yet, so I just used Antimicro to fill the gap.

Otherwise, I could show it to someone and they'd assume it's running natively. If you need any more information, I'll happily provide it. I've been using nothing but Linux distributions for my own use for 10 years now and have been gaming on them just as long.


Thank you!
It's very useful to know that it works decently. If anyone else asks, we can direct them to your post while we wait for the official port.
If we have any more questions we will definitely let you know!

(2 edits)

Is there an issue with buying it here on The installer only included a 151KB JPG, two 3KB .IFL files, three 1KB .DAT files, a 1KB spreadsheet named License that is completely blank, and a folder named ".itch" which includes a 1KB "receipt.json" file. 

*Edit to add - It seems it may be an issue with the new app that just came out. When I clicked the Download link from the purchase confirmation, it started downloading the full game in my regular browser. So that's fun.

Awesome game! love the story and the artstyle and the combat mechanic was good! Can't wait for the full game to come out! 

Awesome! Thank you so much for playing, happy to read you enjoyed it :D


You're welcome! :) You all did a great job on making this game! :D

I'm exited for when the game is finished

Game was truly excellent from top to bottom. Cannot wait for the full release of the game. I really enjoyed how the boss battle incorporated the normal battle system as well as platforming. I haven't played many games like this. Thanks.
Deleted 3 years ago

We are only 2 working full time! It has been a lot of work to build this thing.
If you check our latest dev log you'll see that all the assets have been finished recently and we're basically polishing and fixing bugs through lots of testing. We are also preparing for an announcement soon, so hang tight please!

Deleted 3 years ago

OMFG!!! Great game love it will buy when it comes out 

Yay! Thank you so much!

(1 edit) (+1)

Might you have even the slighest idea of when this game would be completed? If not thats fine cant wait to play it it's downloading now.

Edit: just read your most recent post and saw that you said there wasn't a date. also I was going through the options and changed the resolution to lower on accident and it won't go back I dont know if you've fixed this with what you're working on now but its broken for me. Still looking forward to experiencing it though.

(1 edit)

Thank you!
Added the update here on to clear confusion.
The resolution problem is a known issue of the demo, it's being dealt it!

did a playthough of this game a whiel ago i really enjoyed it and honestly can't wait to see where the future takes this game


Thank you so much for playing! Glad you liked it.

relly good demo love the premes and charaters the demo was awesome at first i thought that this was a full game

I'm really liking the story telling.  I just got beat up by the moth queen haha! I must have a game journalist level of game skill. But in all seriousness, the premise of the game is super intriguing and I'll come back and finish the demo when I have some more time (how many people come back to a demo right?) Keep up the good work!

When is the full game coming out? I'm engrossed with the game and its story!

(3 edits) (+1)

The art style is nice, the music -- while not memorable -- is well-done, and the slightly sarcastic tone throughout is welcome. As for the gameplay itself, while I like the basic premise of the game, it could do with some improvements; primarily to the combat system.

For example, for a rhythm-based combat system it seems weirdly out-of-sync. I think my biggest problem is that the enemies do not follow this rule, attacking after a set amount of time rather than on the beat.

One other thing is the conversation aspect during combat. It is not particuarly engaging, just throwing a line of dialog at you and that's it.

All-in-all, a solid premise with a solid demo.

I also have to say, bravo on the name of the game. The title combines the prefix "under" --meaning "less than" or "beneath" -- and hero, creating a name that means, "The lesser hero", but considering the word "understudy", it's more exact meaning is, "The substitute hero".


Thank you!
To clarify, our combat system is not rhythm-based per se, but a semi turn-based game about timing attacks and dodges. The music mechanic is just a little bonus for extra damage. The combat expands later on with more enemy variety and new weapons to choose from.

The talking during combat does have a deeper purpose, but not in the demo I'm afraid.
We don't want to spoil it here, but it is important!

Even though the name of the game has brought us more comparisons than praise, I'm glad to hear someone else agrees with our naming conventions! More specifically, we combined "underling" and "hero". 

We believe it fits the themes of the game perfectly.

I been trying to play the game but every time I start a new save file the game crashes. Has anyone got any advice to help me?


Loved playing this game! Played this months ago, but just now got the chance to release this video on my channel! Another to come out in a couple of days as well. Hope you enjoy and can find my thoughts helpful throughout this video:D Definitely recommend this game to others!

do you mind if i stream this on my youtube channel?

Not at all, go ahead!


This looks very interesting. I'll check out the demo. Definitely looks like a game I think I'd have a lot of fun doing a Let's Play on when the full thing is released. I'll give my feedback when I've played the demo. ^__^

Sorry to presume such things, but is this a play on 'Undertale'? Or is your game titled 'Underhero' simply because 'Undertale' was already taken? Not trying to criticize, just curious as a developer myself

We combined the words "Underling" and "Hero" since it best represents the themes of the game.

It has nothing to do with undertale!

Oh nice! Well congrats on such a beautiful game! Can't wait to play the full version

Deleted 171 days ago

Thank you so much for playing! Glad you liked it :)
We haven't announced a price yet, but it will be similar to other indie platformers.

(1 edit)

Completely unplayable for me. I don't think this is any fault of the game itself, per say, but rather there's just so much detail and quality put into it that it overloaded my pitiful netbook, and froze it for a full 10 minutes after snakey guy showed up to take me to Lord Stitches. I also noticed (and I think this has to do with lag) that while trying to move the characters, it was like I was dragging a 5-ton boulder by my ankles. It was painfully slow.

I hope it's easier on the hardware in the future, or maybe a console version will be made available, I'd really love to be able to play some day.

THAT BEING SAID! Everything I was able to experience was simply fantastic! The music was wonderful, the animation as the characters moved was smooth (when it wasn't lagging), and the artwork is admirable to say the least. I really love the comedy and self-awareness, and the blood gushing from "Scarf Boy's" apparently smashed head was shocking. but fantastic in a morbid way. I loved every detail of what little I was able to experience. Keep up the great work!

Sorry to hear that, we are working on optimizing the game as much as we can.
Thank you for playing!


Such a pretty and comedy laced game, I dig it. From the "villains" being self aware and knowing their part in this good vs evil world, to the oddly cheery art style, to the really well done music, I like what you have going on with this demo and look forward to the completed work. I've had my eye on the game for a while, so it's nice to finally get to play and enjoy it. Good job on this.

Probably doesn't do the game justice, but here's a vidja!

'Eyy, I return from the holidays with part 2!

Tutorial feels a little heavy handed. It's informative and the dialogue is still good, but being locked into doing only what it wants is...less than enjoyable.

(1 edit)

So, I've encountered a few things that could be fixed or polished within my first hour of gameplay, 

1. when entering the lizards shop inside the castle, no one or nothing tells you backspace is to leave shop (correct me if I'm wrong, but I never saw anything) 

2. when king Stitches strangled the lizard minion, in the next frame, Stitches  wasn't there, but reappeared in the frame after, I summed this up to him possibly meaning to be in a different stance, but it didn't load? 

and lastly, when the encounters happen, you're able to interact and fight the enemy before the "ENCOUNTER!" text goes away, which, I think should be fixed so you can't do anything until the text is gone, left me a lot of the time accidentally using a potion while walking left, and touching an enemy.

 hope this review helps out development a bit

1. It's on our list!

2. That is how its supposed to work. Mr. Stitches can disappear at will, he can be seen when he wants to be seen.

3. We'll keep this is mind, thanks.

Thank you for your help and for playing the demo!

Deleted 4 years ago
(1 edit) (+1)

We are in the process of spitting and polishing this thing!
Thank you for the honest critique, we appreciate these ones a lot more than the overly positive ones. In the end, it's about analyzing mistakes and improving upon them.

That said I would like to clarify a few thing, if it's alright with you:

- Yes, we have been working 4 years on this game. Two and a half of those years were about learning how to make games!
This was our first time making a game of this complexity and magnitude, after all.  We made a lot of mistakes and we worked on it very casually, because our team were attending university at the moment.
The rest of the development cycle was spent using what we had learned remaking most of the game (mechanics, design, art assets, you get the idea.) We decided to get serious with this game because of problems happening in our country beyond of our control. Not because of the current landscape of the indie game industry.
- Most chests contain potions as placeholders! You will be able to find upgrades for combat as well as useful collectables in those chests. (I should also clarify this in our game descriptions.)
- Um, sorry for causing you a small crisis there? Hah.

That's about it, thank you for playing! I hope you give it another chance when it's finally completed. We are still hopeful but even if it fails like you said, I'm still proud of the game we have created.

Deleted 4 years ago

any plans for a mac release?

It's on our mind but only after releasing the finished game. 
We don't currently own a Mac, so it might take a while nonetheless.

Amazing game!  It's a fresh take on the adventure game and has both beautiful music and cozily-retro graphics. If you haven't had a chance to play it yourself, I would highly suggest giving it a go!

Beautiful aesthetic, great music and a great unique combat system, Love your game cannot wait for the full release!

Love the music, visuals, and overall concept, while I found the exploration weak. Future levels will hopefully feel more populated and be more interesting to traverse. The individual combat mechanics are solid. I hope they're pushed to their creative limits, including many different attack methods, defense methods, enemy behaviors, and customization options; it would make this one of the best combat systems ever.  

This game looks nice, but I can't play it. Everytime I boot up the game, the main menu has a mind of it's own and I can't click on New Game. It only takes me to the exit button. I really need a fix for this because this is one of the best looking games I have seen on this platform so far.

Update: it's just a bug I had with a program that messes with Unity games where the W button is always pressed.

Good game tho!

love the game,
so looking forward to the full version!

really enjoyed this, just wish i had more time to play it when i was making the video


I really love the thematic and the gameplay of this game, really, a gem in the rough. hope you guys keep giving it your best!! keep being awesome!

It's a very nice concept. 

I have a big complain. This game should run in any kind of PC. I find a very big slow motion when watching the mountains/sky in the Moth Forest (when Im inside of water caves it runs almost normal and when I'm at the top of platforms when I can't see the mountains/clouds, it runs almost normal too). I have an ATI 5770 and an Intel Core i7 4770... so I find it really odd this kind of behaivor.

It's not exactly an fps drop, because the game slow down itself time. 

Other thing that seemed weird to me, it's that I couldnt change the game resolution (maybe demo has a fixed res ?). I was running it at 720p when I have a 1080p monitor. 

I liked very much the game, I'm probably buying it.

That does sound weird, the game runs perfectly fine in most computers we have tested (even in some pretty crappy laptops).
Could be a problem of outdated drivers, hard to tell from here.
The resolution problems is in our to do list!

Thank you for playing!

(1 edit)

Loved the Demo and can't wait for the full game. Would be cool if it supported more controllers (my GameSir controller would work in the menu but not during gameplay) I would really love to cosplay the Masked Kid if thats okay, I just love the design and simplicity. Are there any clearer images of the masked kid's design i could use for reference? Keep up the good work.

You could download our promo art back at our website's presskit, it could help for reference.
Thank you!

excellent game really worth a play great story and really immersive thank you here is my playthrough

(2 edits)

Enjoyed the demo until I got lost, just a few thoughts:

1. Walking around a big empty map when you're backtracking after finding a normal key and nowhere to use it and there's nothing to kill and nobody to talk to but your sword hilt is kind of a bummer. 

2. The character movement seems kinda ...jittery? I'm running a 144hz monitor, not sure if that's a factor but when they're at the edge of where the screen starts to scroll left, right, up or down, the sprite just kinda jitters in place.  It's not smooth scrolling like I'd expect.   A bit off-putting.

That said, seems like the final game could be fun, hoping combat gets more difficult down the line. Worried about length but so far it seems like something I'd play through and enjoy. Like the art style and music, combat and dialogue are tight!

1- Noted, the game is mostly linear so this is one of the few sections with backtracking.
2- We don't have 144hz monitors so we can't really test if that's the cause. I'll add it to the list of bugs and try to investigate.

Thank you so much! Glad you liked it :)
The game will be around 8 to 10 hours long.

I feel like I need to clarify, since reading #2 again I'm kinda not even really understanding what I said.  So!  I'm speaking about the main character, who is generally the center of the frame, but as the camera pans in whatever direction you're moving, his sprite specifically begins to jitter as the camera attempts to re-center on him, I guess is the best way to put it.  I'd expect the camera to pan smoothly and his sprite to not be jittery, but he's very jittery as you move about.  Everything else seems okay.

Great game, sadly it broke when i got to the parry with the shield

That's a first.
Could you explain further?

Made an account just to post this comment: LOVED IT! The humor, the story, the gameplay. It's a bunch of my favorite genres mashed into one fun lil game, and I can't wait for the full release to play this game

Thank you! :)

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